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Level 2 Chimney Inspections

Ryan and Son Chimneys President, Bill Ryan, Is an industry leader regarding Level II chimney inspections. In addition to being a pioneer in offering the service of Level II inspections, Bill has been an instructor industry wide on classes related to chimney inspections.


Bill was also the founding Chairman of the International Association of Fireplace and Chimney Inspectors in 2007.

​The NFPA 211 and
what does it mean ???

Has your chimney ever been properly inspected?

The National Fire Protection 

Association (NFPA) # 211 is

the Standard for Chimneys, 

Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid Fuel

Burning Appliances and is 

considered the National Standard

of Care or "Industry Best Practice."


Performing  chimney sweeping, inspection or repair without the

knowledge of NFPA 211 results in substandard and

possibly dangerous conditions.


At Ryan and Son, we hold many industry and associated industry certifications. In order to maintain

these industry credentials, annual accumulation of 

continuing education is required with a strong focus on the NFPA 211, current codes and UL and 

Manufacturer listings. 

Why do you need a LEVEL 2 inspection ?







  • Real Estate Transaction  (buyer or seller)


  • ​Chimney Fire


  • Lightning Strike


  • Tree hitting your chimney


  • ​Water entry


  • Change of fuels or any change to your chimney system


  • Change of appliance  (adding an insert or stove) or gas logs

  • If a previous Level 2 inspection has been performed but the inspection is now over a year old.


A chimney inspection should not differ company to company. There is a national standard outlining three distinct levels of inspection. The National Fire Protection Association Standard for Fireplaces, Chimneys and Vents (NFPA 211) is this standard. You can find parameters of these levels by clicking here:

The state of NJ does not have any requirements for one to practice the professional of chimney services other than the NJ Home Improvement Contractor Registration.   At Ryan and Son, we have chosen to separate ourselves through the path of education for ALL of our employees and technicians. This provides the consumer with an educated chimney professional who is current with codes, standards and product listings.   We employ two of thirteen F.I.R.E. Certified Fireplace and Chimney Inspectors in the state of NJ which allows us to provide comprehensive Level I, Level II and  Level III inspections.

As  leaders in the field of chimney inspections, Ryan and Son has studied, practiced and taught the need for properchimney inspection.  We have provided education on the subject to the Hearth industry, chimney industry, oil service managers,  home inspectors, realtors and new home buyers.

As a consumer, you should be aware of the potential dangers associated with improperly installed chimneys, improperly built chimneys, deteriorated or damaged chimneys, improperly maintained chimneys and even those not operated properly in the home.  Millions in property loss is credited to chimney fires and other chimney related issues.  It is our responsibility to our clients, as Chimney Professionals to ensure a safe chimney system and provide peace of mind when using and enjoying your fireplace, woodstove or other chimney system; and to ensure the proper venting of heating and hot water appliances.

We are a full service chimney company and we sweep (clean), maintain, repair, reline, replace, install, rebuild and service all types of chimneys including fireplaces, wood stoves, pellet stoves, gas fireplaces, fireplace inserts, oil boilers and furnaces, gas boilers, furnaces and hot water heaters, biomass stoves, coal stoves, commercial and industrial chimneys.  We also provide litigation support , expert witness work, plan review, troubleshooting and new construction hearth design and plans.
Please read forward on this site for more educational information on chimneys.  Use the links below to navigate for your convenience.


All subjects of a Level 1 & Level 2 inspections. Proper construction & condition of concealed portions of chimney structure & enclosed flues. Proper clearance from combustibles.

Shall include external & internal portions of the chimney structure, including concealed areas of the building ot chimney. Shall include removal of components of the building or chimney where necessary. Removal of such components shall be required only as access to areas that are the subject of the inspection.

Where necessary for the investigation of an incident that had caused damage to the chimney or building. Where a hazard detected or suspected as the result of a Level 1 or Level 2 inspection cannot be fully evaluated without access to the concealed areas.

A Level 3 inspection is indicated when the construction of all or of the chimney is deemed critical to the renewed or continued use of the chimney.  A Level 3 inspections shall be required only for those areas that cannot be properly evaluated by a Level 1 or Level 2 inspection.

Levels of Inspection

    per the NFPA 211

Level 2

All subjects of a Level 1 inspection. Proper construction & accessible portions of the chimney structure & all enclosed flues. Proper clearances from combustibles in accessible locations.  Size & suitability of flues for connected appliances. Proper clearance from combustibles in accessible locations.

Shall include all accessible portions of the chimney exterior & interior, including areas within accessible attics, crawl spaces & basements, & accessible portions of the appliance & chimkney connection.  Shall include inspection by video scanning or other means of inspection.

Upon additional or removal of one or more connected appliances or replacement of an appliance with one of dissimilar type input rating  or efficiency. Prior to relining or replacement of flue lining. Upon sale or transfer of the property. After an operating malfunction of an external event likely to have caused damage to the chimney.

A Level 2 inspection is indicated when verification of the suitability of the chimney for new or changed conditions of service is needed, or when a Level 1 inspection is not sufficient to determine the serviceability of the chimney.


Readily accessible areas of the chimney structure & flue. Lack of obstruction or combustible deposits in flue. Basic appliance installation and connection.

Shall include readily accessible portions of the chimney exterior and interior, accessible portions of appliance & chimney connection.

Annual inspection as required by Section 13.2. During routine cleaning of chimney flue. Upon direct replacement of a connected appliance with one of similar type, input rating and efficiency.

A Level 1 inspection is indicated when verification of the suitabilty of the chimney for continued service, under the same conditions and with the same appliance or appliances is needed.

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